Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Works for me!

I just want to share a few things that I have found to work for me and my ADD... For someone who has ADD it's important to know that our brains work differently at storing information. Here are 3 things that help me and may just help you...

When I am learning something new, it's very important that I make myself notecards so that I can look back at them to help me remember. I have the Inattentive type so I have a hard time remembering what I read and by making myself notecards I am able to quickly refresh my memory.

As I go about my day, I always seem to remember things that need to be done while doing something else. So by writing myself a post-it note at that time and placing it in an area where I will be reminded of what needs to be done helps me to complete daily tasks. And yes, I also carry post-its in my purse...

Google Calendar
Google Calendar is my most favorite of all! As a business owner and a titleholder I make many appointments and appearances. It would be just awful if I missed one or scheduled them at the same time. With Google Calendar I am able to access my schedule from my smartphone or my computer. I can create, edit, and delete events. It even sends me an email every morning lining out my daily schedule.

Now these are just a few of the things I do to keep myself on top of my ADD. I would love to know some of the things you do?

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